By appointment only (depending on coat condition and temperament)
Our groomers ensure a PAWsitive experience by taking the time needed for your pup’s grooming. We use only the best products, including Melanie Newman, SOOS, and Nagayu C02 Tablets, for your dog's skin and coat.
With over 10 years of experience, our head groomer continually updates her skills through trade shows, seminars, and competitions. She also specializes in senior dogs, addressing issues like aches, pains, and poor circulation to help your pup enjoy their later years. We tailor our grooming services to meet your specific needs.
1 - 15 lbs
Bath, Brush & Nails
Bath & Tidy
Kennel Cut
Breed Cut or Teddy Bear
Price list
Grooming prices may vary depending on coat condition and temperament
15 - 45 lbs
Bath, Brush & Nails
Bath & Tidy
Kennel Cut
Breed Cut or Teddy Bear
X Large
65 - 85 lbs
Bath, Brush & Nails
Bath & Tidy
Kennel Cut
Breed Cut or Teddy Bear
45 - 65 lbs
Bath, Brush & Nails
Bath & Tidy
$65 -$100
Kennel Cut
Breed Cut or Teddy Bear
XX Large
85 lbs +
Bath, Brush & Nails
Bath & Tidy
Kennel Cut
Breed Cut or Teddy Bear
Extra add on's with full groom
skin & coat
Nagayu C02 Treatment Helps with blood circulation, reduces joint pain, reduces inflammation, helps fight against dry flaky skin and reduces odours. With Groom $10 | Walk-in $25
Purification, Charcoal Scrub With Shampoo & Conditioner Detox your pups skin and coat with our amazing Melanie Newman product. With Groom $30 | Walk-in $45
Coat Brushing Get out all of those loose hairs to help cut back on shedding. Per 5 Min $5
Spoiled Package - nail grind, paw balm, nose balm $30
Pampered Package - nail grind, paw balm, nose balm, teeth brushing $40
Royal Treatment Package - nail grind, paw balm, nose balm, teeth brushing, scented spray (Holiday spray's available as well) $45
Nail trims
Get your pups nails trimmed to ensure they stay at a comfortable and healthy length With Daycare $17 | Walk-in $20 | Nail Grind $25
Toe Nail Painting Come in and get your pup a manicure and PAWdicur. All Nails $20
Walk Ins
Walk-ins Extra Add On's
Scented Spray $2
Paw Pad Shaving $5
Paw Trim $5
Sanitary Shave $10
Paw Balm $5
Ear Cleaning $5
10 min Brush Out $15
Nail Trims Get your pups nails trimmed to ensure they stay at a comfortable and healthy length With Daycare $17 | Walk-in $20 | Nail Grind $25
Toe Nail Painting Come in and get your pup a manicure and PAWdicur. All Nails $20
Notice to Our Valued Clients:
Notice to Our Valued Clients:
Effective October 15, 2024, a 2% fee will be applied to all credit card payments. As a small business, these additional service fees are impacting us significantly. We believe this is the best way to maintain the option of credit card payments without compromising our services.
Thank you for your continued support! We truly appreciate our amazing clients who make it possible for us to do what we love. to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.
Please call at least 24 hours prior to your appointment to cancel or reschedule. If we receive less than 24 hours’ notice or you do not show up for your appointment, you could be charged a fee of $35 + GST.
Prices do not include GST and are subject to change at any time. All grooming dogs must meet our daycare requirements prior to participating.